UNIX: Shell Programming Curriculum Outline
Writing UNIX Shell Programs
Overview/DescriptionTo describe how to use flow control, incorporate user input in UNIX shell programs, and debug shell programs
Target AudienceIT professionals and UNIX end-users who need to familiarize themselves with the UNIX shell environment
PrerequisitesFamiliarity with the fundamentals of the UNIX operating system and the ability to navigate a file system and use basic shell commands
Expected Duration (hours)3.7
Lesson Objectives Writing UNIX Shell Programs
Explain the principles of logical flow in a shell program Use conditional expressions to provide flow control in shell programs. Use flow control commands in shell programs. Use conditional expressions and flow control in a shell program. Use functions to improve the efficiency of program code. Use the UNIX I/O system in shell programs. Create user menus with the select command and use them in shell programs. Write an interactive program that makes use of standard input and output. Use variables, comments and white space to produce human-readable code. Explain how to debug shell scripts. Debug a shell program. Course Number:
83877_eng <
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UNIX Shell Scripting Basics
To explain how to create simple shell scripts using UNIX shell commands
Target Audience
IT professionals and UNIX end-users who need to familiarize themselves with the UNIX shell environment
Familiarity with the fundamentals of the UNIX operating system and the ability to navigate a file system and use basic shell commands
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives UNIX Shell Scripting Basics
Explain what a shell script is. Distinguish between the major shell environments and select a shell based on its characteristics. Create and run a simple shell program. Write a simple shell script. Manage the execution of UNIX shell commands. Redirect standard input and output and use file descriptors. Use substitution and quoting to expand and match files and commands. Describe the syntax used to execute shell commands. Write a shell script that uses the shells command execution and substitution capabilities. Course Number:
83855_eng <
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UNIX Shell Scripting Tools
To explain how to use variables, operators, and text editing tools in UNIX shell scripts
Target Audience
IT professionals and UNIX end-users who need to familiarize themselves with the UNIX shell environment
Familiarity with the fundamentals of the UNIX operating system and the ability to navigate a file system and use basic shell commands
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives UNIX Shell Scripting Tools
Use variables in UNIX programming. Describe and use script variables and parameters. Explain variable expansion and use array variables. Use arithmetic operators in shell scripts. Use variables and arithmetic in a shell script. Provide an overview of the role of tools such as sed, awk, and perl in shell programming. Explain how to use the sed line editor. Use sed in a UNIX shell script to edit a file. Explain how to use awk. Course Number:
110852_eng <
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UNIX: Operating System Fundamentals Curriculum Outline
Introduction to UNIX
Overview/DescriptionTo introduce the UNIX operating system
Target AudienceIT professionals needing to familiarize themselves with the UNIX environment
PrerequisitesSome familiarity with system administration
Expected Duration (hours)2.0
Lesson Objectives Introduction to UNIX
Discuss the history of UNIX and its continuing significance as a technology. Explain the importance of standards in achieiving software portability and describe standards relevant to UNIX. Compare the current UNIX variants. Describe the various uses of UNIX and how UNIX systems are implemented. Describe the various UNIX user interfaces. Log into and out of a UNIX shell and use a command-line interface. Course Number:
78920_eng <
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UNIX System Architecture
To describe the core components of a UNIX system
Target Audience
IT professionals needing to familiarize themselves with the UNIX environment
Some familiarity with system administration
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives UNIX System Architecture
Describe the role of the operating system in providing a productive environment for computer users. Describe the layered architecture of the UNIX operating system. Describe the kernel process and explain how data is accessed, displayed, and stored. List the key system calls made available by a POSIX compliant kernel. Describe the different types of files used in UNIX systems. Describe the filesystems used by UNIX systems. Provide an overview of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). Locate files within filesystems based on their functions and permissions. Describe the function of a UNIX shell. Provide an overview of the shell environments available on UNIX systems. Provide an overview of the core features of a UNIX shell environment. Use standard input and output, and pipe commands. Course Number:
78924_eng <
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UNIX: The User Environment Curriculum Outline
Customizing the UNIX User Environment
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to customize the UNIX environment to suit user requirements
Target AudienceEnd users and IT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesBasic keyboard and mouse skills; some experience of working in a command-line environment such as MSDOS an advantage
Expected Duration (hours)4.0
Lesson Objectives Customizing the UNIX User Environment
Name and describe the files used to configure the common shell environments. Explain the role of global environment variables and local shell variables, and name common variables. Reference shell variables used in the Bash, Korn, and C shells. Customize the Bash shell. Describe the function and design principles of the X windowing system. Name the files used to configure X, explain their functions, and describe their syntax. Reconfigure screen resolution on an X terminal. Explain the function of window managers and describe UNIX desktop environments such as CDE, KDE, and GNOME. Describe the types of documentation available on UNIX systems. Use the online manual pages to get help with UNIX commands. Use the Info system to find out more about UNIX commands and utilities. Use the man pages to find out about the date command. Course Number:
80536_eng <
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Working with UNIX Files and Directories
To demonstrate common UNIX commands and programs used to perform basic tasks involving files and directories
Target Audience
End users and IT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
Basic keyboard and mouse skills; some experience of working in a command-line environment such as MSDOS an advantage
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Working with UNIX Files and Directories
Describe the different kinds of files found on a UNIX system, and explain their functions. Use the ls command and interpret its output, and use the cat command to view the contents of text files. Use absolute and relative paths, as well as common shortcuts, to navigate directory hierarchies. Create and delete files, and assign ownership and permissions. Navigate a filesystem, create a file, and set permissions. List the characters used in regular expressions, and describe their functions. Use regular expressions to locate files. Use the find command to locate files and the grep command to search their contents. Describe the conventions and limitations that apply to UNIX filesystems and compare them with conventions used by other operating systems. Create and delete directories and copy or move files. Organize files into a directory structure. Use hard links and symbolic links. List the commands used to manage files and directories. Course Number:
80533_eng <
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Working with UNIX Programs
To describe how to use UNIX programs and manage their execution
Target Audience
End users and IT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
Basic keyboard and mouse skills; some experience of working in a command-line environment such as MSDOS an advantage
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Working with UNIX Programs
Explain the process hierarchy. Run jobs in the background and monitor processes. Use the cron and at facilities to schedule job execution. Use the appropriate commands to terminate, suspend, and restart processes. Manage running processes. Describe commonly used text filters. Discuss the common programs that are installed on most UNIX systems. Explain the principles of using redirection, pipes, and filters to create composite commands. Manipulate text files with composite commands and filters. Course Number:
80534_eng <
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Text Editing and Printing in UNIX
To describe how to use the vi text editor and how to print documents
Target Audience
End users and IT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
Basic keyboard and mouse skills; some experience of working in a command-line environment such as MSDOS an advantage
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Text Editing and Printing in UNIX
Explain the importance of text in a UNIX environment, and describe the range of UNIX tools available for manipulating text. Perform core editing tasks using vi. Search and replace text strings using vi. Use vi to perform common editing tasks. Provide an overview of printing systems commonly found on UNIX systems. Print a file from a UNIX system. Query a print queue and cancel print jobs. Cancel and then resubmit a print job. Course Number:
80535_eng <
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UNIX: System Administration Curriculum Outline
UNIX User and Data Management
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate the core administrative functions of managing users, data, and software on UNIX systems
Target AudienceIT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesA basic understanding of the UNIX operating system; familiarity with the history of UNIX and the reasons for its continued popularity; general comprehension of UNIX system architecture, and awareness of the user interfaces
Expected Duration (hours)2.7
Lesson Objectives UNIX User and Data Management
- Connect the role of the systems administrator with the responsibilities of superuser privileges.
- Determine the method for adding and configuring a user account.
- Recognize the strategies used to track user activity and control access to resources in a given scenario.
- Create and configure a user account in a given scenario.
- Configure a filesystem.
- Identify the best data protection strategy in a given scenario.
- Choose the RAID system to implement in a given scenario.
- Design a RAID implementation for a given scenario.
Back to ListDeploying and Initializing UNIX Systems
Overview/DescriptionTo describe the maintenance and optimization of UNIX systems
Target AudienceIT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesA basic understanding of the UNIX operating system; familiarity with the history of UNIX and the reasons for its continued popularity; general comprehension of UNIX system architecture, and awareness of the user interfaces
Expected Duration (hours)2.7
Lesson Objectives Deploying and Initializing UNIX Systems
- Deploy and administer UNIX software in a given scenario.
- Install and remove software packages.
- Compile software from source in a given scenario.
- Install the Apache web server from source code to specification.
- Compare the different boot mechanisms for UNIX operating systems.
- Modify startup scripts in a given scenario.
- Choose the appropriate procedure for shutting down the system in a given scenario.
- Configure run levels and shutdown in a given scenario.
Back to ListSecuring UNIX Systems
Overview/DescriptionTo describe how to implement and maintain UNIX networking
Target AudienceIT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesA basic understanding of the UNIX operating system; familiarity with the history of UNIX and the reasons for its continued popularity; general comprehension of UNIX system architecture, and awareness of the user interfaces
Expected Duration (hours)3.3
Lesson Objectives Securing UNIX Systems
- Describe how UNIX file attributes relate to file ownership and access rights.
- Recognize how to protect the security of entire UNIX filesystems.
- Set security parameters in UNIX kernels and prevent cron and unwanted shutdown security issues.
- Change file permissions and implement permission-based system security in UNIX.
- Recognize how to benchmark operating systems, including UNIX, and evaluate the security of their configurations.
- Describe the UNIX password system.
- Recognize how to restrict boot-level and root access to UNIX systems.
- Recognize how to integrate Kerberos authentication on UNIX systems.
- Design and implement access control policies.
- Use Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) to control access to system resources in a given scenario.
Back to ListManaging UNIX Software and System Services
Overview/DescriptionTo introduce UNIX software and system services management
Target AudienceIT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesA basic understanding of the UNIX operating system; familiarity with the history of UNIX and the reasons for its continued popularity; general comprehension of UNIX system architecture, and awareness of the user interfaces
Expected Duration (hours)1.3
Lesson Objectives Managing UNIX Software and System Services
- Recognize how to apply software updates and patches to UNIX systems.
- Describe security issues and boot services in UNIX.
- Describe how to limit services launched by inetd and xinetd.
- Identify services to be started or disabled, and configure inetd and xinetd to add or remove such services.
Back to ListNetworking and UNIX Name Resolution
Overview/DescriptionTo explain how to secure UNIX systems from local and remote security threats
Target AudienceIT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesA basic understanding of the UNIX operating system; familiarity with the history of UNIX and the reasons for its continued popularity; general comprehension of UNIX system architecture, and awareness of the user interfaces
Expected Duration (hours)2.3
Lesson Objectives Networking and UNIX Name Resolution
- Implement core network configuration issues in UNIX.
- Identify how networking daemons are managed and configure the inetd super daemon.
- Configure TCP/IP networking in FreeBSD.
- Identify how addresses can be managed on a local network with DHCP and how name resolution services operate.
- Configure DHCP servers and clients.
- Prepare BIND to support DNS operations.
- Perform an LDAP search.
- Manage and configure naming services on a UNIX system.
Back to ListManaging UNIX Clients
Overview/DescriptionTo explain how to manage UNIX clients
Target AudienceIT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesA basic understanding of the UNIX operating system; familiarity with the history of UNIX and the reasons for its continued popularity; general comprehension of UNIX system architecture, and awareness of the user interfaces
Expected Duration (hours)1.3
Lesson Objectives Managing UNIX Clients
- Identify the hardware and software requirements for UNIX clients.
- Configure X for UNIX clients.
- Identify the steps in setting up a diskless UNIX client.
- Recognize the principal features of WINE.
- Set up and manage UNIX clients.
Back to ListAdministering UNIX Network Services
Overview/DescriptionTo introduce the administration of UNIX network services
Target AudienceIT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesA basic understanding of the UNIX operating system; familiarity with the history of UNIX and the reasons for its continued popularity; general comprehension of UNIX system architecture, and awareness of the user interfaces
Expected Duration (hours)3.0
Lesson Objectives Administering UNIX Network Services
- Perform key web service configurations with the Apache web server.
- Identify the components of an e-mail system and perform basic configuration of the Postfix mail service.
- Implement and manage NFS file shares.
- Configure file sharing and security with Samba.
- Manage and configure UNIX network services.
- Set up and administer printers on UNIX.
- Identify the features of the Common UNIX Printing System.
- Troubleshoot common printing problems in UNIX.
- Configure the ftpd daemon.
- Configure a secure shell server to provide encrypted remote access to a UNIX system.
- Configure and implement ssh with UNIX.
Back to ListUNIX Systems Management
Overview/DescriptionTo outline UNIX performance monitoring and disaster recovery strategies and techniques in UNIX
Target AudienceIT professionals working in a UNIX environment for the first time
PrerequisitesA basic understanding of the UNIX operating system; familiarity with the history of UNIX and the reasons for its continued popularity; general comprehension of UNIX system architecture, and awareness of the user interfaces
Expected Duration (hours)3.0
Lesson Objectives UNIX Systems Management
- Recognize the methods of performance optimization.
- Monitor and control UNIX processes in a given scenario.
- Troubleshoot system performance in a given scenario.
- Recognize how to interpret log files and configure logging in a given scenario.
- Identify, prioritize, and safely terminate jobs.
- Identify backup strategies and best practices for implementing backups.
- Detail the backup utilities available in UNIX.
- Identify the commands used to back up data in UNIX.
- Recognize how to manage UNIX system crashes.
- Recognize how to perform backups in UNIX.
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Unix Administration
UNIX is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs. Today's Unix
systems are split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors and non-profit
During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the influence of Unix in academic circles led to large-scale adoption of Unix
(particularly of the BSD variant, originating from the University of California, Berkeley) by commercial startups, the most
notable of which are Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX. Today, in addition to certified Unix systems, Unix-like operating systems such
as Linux and BSD are commonly encountered. Sometimes, "traditional Unix" may be used to describe a Unix or an operating system
that has the characteristics of either Version 7 Unix or UNIX System V.
As of 2007, the owner of the trademark is The Open Group, an industry standards consortium. Only systems
fully compliant with and certified to the Single UNIX Specification are qualified to use the trademark; others are called
"Unix system-like" or "Unix-like".
Benefits of CBT Direct’s Online Unix Training
CBT Direct boasts the most beneficial online training on the market. With CBT Direct’s online training, you have the flexibility
to study on your schedule, and with the speed and reliability of the internet, CBT Direct’s Unix training course is accessible
anywhere you have an internet connection. Convenience finally costs less with CBT Direct - the most affordable online training
solution today.
The unique design of CBT Direct’s Unix training course incorporates a proven four-step learning process: presentation,
demonstration, guidance and independent practice. This four-step proven learning model for CBT Direct’s Unix training course
ensures the greatest level of comprehension and retention.
Who Benefits from CBT Direct’s Unix Training?
This training would be beneficial for individuals looking for IT job positions such as; Linux Administrator, Network Administrator,
Unix Administrator or an Enterprise Operation Manager.
What Professionals Will Learn from CBT Direct’s Unix Training
UNIX: Shell Programming
This course will cover exploring the file system, working with files, using editors, process and data utilities, the user environment,
using the Shell and Shell programming. You will also learn TCP/IP for UNIX users, essentials of HP-UX, HP-UX file management, HP-UX
job control and the essentials of UnixWare. Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
UNIX: Operating System Fundamentals
This course introduces the student to UNIX and the UNIX System Architecture. Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
UNIX: The User Environment
This course cover customizing the UNIX user environment, working with UNIX files and directories, working with UNIX programs and
text editing and printing in UNIX. Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
UNIX: System Administration
This training covers user and data management, deploying and initializing UNIX systems, securing, managing, networking and administering
UNIX systems. Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
UNIX: Shell Programming
UNIX: Operating System Fundamentals
UNIX: The User Environment
UNIX: System Administration