Starting your Career
When starting out in your career, in order to get the job you want, you have to get the job interview first. You may
have all the right technical skills and cognitive ability, but how do you look on paper? With the weak economy and
competitive job market, it’s a struggle getting someone to glance at your résumé, let alone call you for a job interview.
Did you know that many resumes are rejected immediately based on poor grammar or spelling? Good writing skills are a
must in today’s competitive and communication-crazed employment world.
As for job interviews, most companies today are using the style of “behavioral interviewing”. By carefully constructing the job interview questions, the interviewer can predict the future performance of a candidate by looking at their past performances in a similar situation. Candidates must accurately prepare for behavioral interview questions to avoid sounding nervous and inexperienced. They also must prove in their interview answers that they have essential business communication skills and business etiquette within the first five minutes of a job interview! And you thought job interview questions were challenging before!
During a behavioral interview, the interviewer asks specific job interview questions to deliberately force your interview answers to encompass examples of skills you exercised at your previous jobs, such as leadership, motivation, communication skills, decision making, problem solving, team building and how influential you can be with others. If you look at a job interview from the interviewer’s point of view – what kind of candidate they need, what kind of interview answers they expect, the legalities of hiring, etc. – any curve-ball behavioral interviewing questions that get thrown your way will be an easy catch.
According to a study by Reed Employment, 80% of college graduates strictly use the web to hunt for jobs, compared to only 3% that look in the newspaper. That means that candidates are not restricted to looking for a job in the area in which they live, so the competition goes from local to literally all over the World Wide Web. What communication and other skills do YOU possess that will set you apart from everyone else?
Compiled in the following CBT Direct online courses in career development, you will get job interview tips based on both the interviewee AND interviewer points of view, learn proper business etiquette, negotiate your starting salary, brush up on basic business, communication and other skills, learn how to manage your boss and give and receive feedback to use it to your advantage. CBT Direct’s career training in interpersonal communication will also help get your career on the fast track and get you prepared for a bright and successful future. All of this will uniquely shape your qualifications compared to the other cookie-cutter candidates. In addition, CBT Direct has put together a simulation of job interview questions to apply and practice what you learn.
When you add effective communication skills and can present yourself professionally, you’re sure to make a great first impression during your job interview. Better yet, the communication, management and other skills you gain with CBT Direct will guide you throughout your entire career and put you on the fast track to success.
Interviewing Skills – These CBT Direct online courses will give you specific interviewing tips, including how to: answer behavioral interview questions to satisfy and impress the interviewer, practice good business etiquette, and build rapport during the interview.
Preparing for the Future – This CBT Direct curriculum includes lessons on basic business skills, communication, grammar, optimizing email, business etiquette and interview preparation.
Your Career on the Fast Track – CBT Direct will help get your career on the fast track with training in basic business skills like interviewing, decision-making, delegation, negotiation and organization. We’ll also teach you how to improve your oral and written communication skills and develop better listening skills.