Microsoft ASP Curriculum Outline
Microsoft ASP 3.0 Introduction: Working with Objects, Pages, and Forms
Overview/DescriptionCourse Introduction
Target AudienceNo prior experience with ASP is required for this course. However, you should have a general understanding of the Internet and HTML, as well as some familiarity with scripting languages like VBScript.
Expected Duration (hours)4.0
Lesson Objectives Microsoft ASP 3.0 Introduction: Working with Objects, Pages, and Forms
Define static Web pages Recognize the limits of HTML Define dynamic Web pages Define scripting languages Identify the advantages of ASP Categorize the versions of ASP Determine requirements for different ASP versions Use Microsoft IIS 5 Administer IIS 5 Name your computer Create a Virtual Directory Define object-oriented programming Recognize object-oriented programming in ASP Combine ASP and HTML Recognize the mechanics of an ASP page request Write VBScript Format style Create an ASP page Use code delimiters Add comments Catch errors Identify basic debugging techniques Create a Submit button Create a Reset button Create other types of INPUT elements in forms Create Text controls Create Password controls Create Checkbox controls Create Radio Button controls Use HTML 4 INPUT elements Create Hidden elements Create Text Area controls Create File controls Create Select controls Send the information to the server Declare variables Store information in variables Define naming conventions Use the Response.Write method for variables Combine variable and literal values Course Number:
MDEV0301 Back to ListMicrosoft ASP 3.0 Introduction: Processing with Loops and Objects
Overview/DescriptionCourse Introduction
Target AudienceYou should be familiar with basic ASP concepts including creating an ASP page, and using forms.
Expected Duration (hours)4.0
Lesson Objectives Microsoft ASP 3.0 Introduction: Processing with Loops and Objects
Recognize variables in VBScript Use numeric subtypes Use string subtypes Use the date subtype Declare the Boolean subtype Recognize other subtypes Determine a variables subtype Declare arrays Redeclare arrays Define implicit and explicit variable declarations Declare constants Convert between data subtypes Apply the addition operator Apply the subtraction operator Recognize the multiplication operator Apply the division operator Apply the exponentiation operator Recognize the negation operator Apply comparison operators Apply logical operators Apply the concatenation operator Convert strings to all lower- or uppercase Determine a string’s length Define arithmetic operator precedence Define logical operator precedence Create For...Next loops Create For Each...Next loops Create Do...While loops Create Do...Loop While loops Create Do Until loops Create Do...Loop Until loops Create a single-line If statement Create a multi-line If statement Add an Else statement Create a Select Case statement Add a Default Case Identify objects in ASP Define classes Define properties Define methods Define instances Define encapsulation Define the Server object Define application-level objects Apply page-scoped objects Define client-side validation syntax Create a validation function Request browser information Send information to the clients browser Create a Write method shortcut Define the QueryString collection Assign values to variables with Request.QueryString Display multiple selections in a query string Count elements in a query string Display individual query string items Use the Form collection Use the ServerVariables collection Use the Buffer property Troubleshoot Response.Buffer Use the Expires property Use the ExpiresAbsolute property Use Response objects methods to send information Use the Redirect method Use the Server.Transfer method Course Number:
MDEV0302 Back to ListMicrosoft ASP 3.0 Introduction: Communicating with the User''s System
Overview/DescriptionCourse Introduction
Target AudienceYou should be familiar with basic ASP concepts including creating an ASP page, and using forms.
Expected Duration (hours)4.0
Lesson Objectives Microsoft ASP 3.0 Introduction: Communicating with the Users System
Define the Cookie specification Recognize user concerns about cookies Create cookies with the Response object Read cookies with the Request object Use cookies as a collection Create persistent cookies Use the Session objects Contents collection Define the Session objects properties Call the Session object method Use Contents collection Instantiate Scripting Runtime objects Instantiate the Dictionary object Create Dictionary entries Find Dictionary entries by Key Remove Dictionary entries Use the FileSystemObject object Use the File and Folder objects Define ASP database access Define ODBC, OLE-DB, and ADO Use the Connection and RecordSet objects Open a connection to a database table Read the tables contents Close the database and connection Identify the Ad Rotator component Identify the Content Linking component Identify the Browser Capabilities component Recognize the ASPError object Modify the default error page Debug client-side script with the Script Debugger Enable server-side script debugging Course Number:
MDEV0303 Back to List
Microsoft ASP
(Active Server Pages)
Active Server Pages (ASP), also known as ASP, was Microsoft's first server-side script engine for dynamically-generated
web pages. Initially released as an add-on to Internet Information Services (IIS) via the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, it was
subsequently included as a free component of Windows Server (since the initial release of Windows 2000 Server).
Developing rich functionality websites can be accomplished by using Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages) programming language.
Most ASP pages are written in Microsoft VBScript, but any other Active Scripting engine can be used as well.
Web pages with the .asp file extension use ASP, while pages with the .aspx extension are ASP. NET (based on Microsoft's .NET
Framework) and compiled, which makes them faster and more robust.
Benefits of CBT Direct’s Online Microsoft ASP Training
CBT Direct boasts the most beneficial online training on the market. With online training, you have the flexibility to study on
your schedule, and with the speed and reliability of the internet, CBT Direct’s Microsoft ASP training course is accessible
anywhere you have an internet connection. Convenience finally costs less with CBT Direct – the most affordable online training
solution today. CBT Direct is also a Microsoft Certified Partner.
The unique design of CBT Direct’s Microsoft ASP course incorporates a proven four-step learning process:
presentation, demonstration, guidance and independent practice. This four-step proven learning model for CBT Direct’s
Microsoft ASP training course ensures the greatest level of retention.
Who Benefits from CBT Direct’s Microsoft ASP Training?
This training would be beneficial for individuals looking for IT job positions such as; Web Designer, Web Site Editor,
Creative Director, Web Director, Programmer, Game Programmer, or Director of Programming.
What Professionals Will Learn from CBT Direct’s Microsoft
ASP Training
Our Microsoft ASP 3.0 training course introduces you to basic ASP concepts including creating an ASP page, and using forms
in ASP. It also presents introductory ASP concepts including using data in ASP, constructing expressions with operators, building
loop and conditional statements, recognizing objects, and communicating between server and browser.
With CBT Direct's Microsoft ASP training you will learn the concepts including using cookies and the session object, creating
advanced ASP elements, and error handling.
Then you will be introduced to the concepts, environment, technology, and tools for ASP. NET. Including the ability to demonstrate
how to migrate ASP to ASP. NET, leverage legacy components, create and use .NET components, and install and configure
ASP. NET servers.
Microsoft ASP Training